We are sad to announce that for health reasons, Elizabeth Bridges has had to step down as our President of WiG. We are grateful for and inspired by her committed and energetic leadership over the last years. Sad as we are to see her step down early, we support her in taking any necessary steps to focus on her health and well-being.
In accordance with our bylaws, the steering committee has appointed our VP/President Elect, Helga Thorson, to move on to her position as President early; we are grateful for her willingness to take this step. We will thus hold an early election for a new VP/President Elect, for a term to run from October 2019 – 2021 as VP, and 2021-2023 as President. Please consider nominating someone for this position or indicating your own willingness to be a candidate. Requirements for the office are listed below:
1) Current membership in WiG, with history of active participation in the organization (for example, as Steering Committee member, member of Newsletter or Yearbook staff, prize committee member, regular and involved conference participant, etc.) and attendance of the annual WiG conference within the last seven years.
2) Tenure at their institution with senior rank (at least associate professor).
3) Institutional support (for travel to conferences, secretarial support).
4) A commitment to supporting WiG’s mission as expressed in its mission statement.
Duties include:
• The Vice President serves for two years in preparation for assuming a two-year term as President.
• As VP they support and advise the President and shares responsibilities for organizing/conducting searches (Treasurer, Yearbook coeditors, NL editor, Web Coeditor etc.); the VP shares other responsibilities as needed, such as facilitating communication between annual conferences and reviewing applications for the Zantop Graduate Travel Award.
• The Vice President is expected to attend the virtual May WiG leadership meeting, the pre-conference WiG leadership meeting as well as the entire conference each year of tenure as VP and President.
• Once President, the candidate will guide WiG in the development of its vision and mission for the future, facilitate long-range planning and effective use of resources, develop and implement new initiatives as needed (e.g. specific fundraising or website projects), ensure communication between all organs of the organization, represent WiG, and network and collaborate with other relevant organizations (attendance at professional conferences of these organizations is strongly encouraged), maintain a calendar of events and record of WiG committees and projects, all in consultation with the Vice President and other WiG officers, particularly the steering committee.
If you wish to nominate someone, you MUST first contact that person to make sure that she/he will accept the nomination, is in a position to fulfill the requisite responsibilities, and is willing and able to attend the requisite WiG leadership meetings and conferences.
Once all candidates have been nominated to the Steering Committee, candidates will be asked to prepare a Candidate Statement which will be distributed to the Membership before on-line voting opens on August 25th..
Please send names and institutional affiliation for nominees by August 10th to the WiG steering committee at steering@womeningerman.org .
We expect elections for VP/President Elect to begin on September 1st. In order to vote, you must be a current WiG member by the end of August. If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2019, we therefore encourage you to do so at https://womeningerman.roundtablelive.org .
All best,
The WiG Steering Committee