The latest issue of German Quarterly is on contemporary writing by women. It features several WiGgies, and includes the special forum “Feminism in German Studies” with contributions on pop feminism, intersectionality, queer studies, Jews and gender, Islam and more! Check it out here.

Contents include:

A Forcible Return to the Womb: Elfriede Jelinek’s Lust (1989) and the Melodramatic Mode
Claire E. Scott

Conceiving of a Realfictional Body: Material Feminisms and Jenny Erpenbeck’s Geschichte vom alten Kind (1999)
Necia Chronister

The Violent Turn: West German Women as Victims of Neoliberalism
Alexandra M. Hill

Writing Rape, Troping History: Story, Plot, and Ethical Reading in Julia Franck’s Die Mittagsfrau (2007)
Katherine Stone

An Unlikely Heroine—Fat and Unemployed: Doris Dörrie’s Film Die Friseuse (2010)
Roxane Riegler

The Past does not end here: Memory and “Collective Enunciation” in Antje Rávic Strubel’s Sturz der Tage in die Nacht (2011)
Derek Schaefer

Forum: Feminism in German Studies
Monika Shafi Faye Stewart Tiffany Florvil Kerry Wallach Beverly Weber Hester Baer Carrie Smith Maria Stehle