WiG is searching for a new co-editor for Feminist German Studies to begin in January 2022 for a 3-year term (renewable once).
Required Qualifications:
- Member of WiG with longstanding record of participation and contribution to the organization;
- A secure and stable position, senior rank preferred;
- A strong research/publication record;
- Editing experience;
- Vision to enhance FGS;
- Institutional support ideal (travel funds to attend WiG conference; editorial assistant or other support for managing the flow of manuscripts; course release also desirable).
- Recruit members for Editorial Board as needed to replace outgoing members and to support editorial vision for FGS.
- Solicit manuscripts, send out for review, make selections, prepare copy of regular issue to meet publisher’s deadline.
- Solicit proposals for annual special issue, work closely with and support guest editors throughout process, send submissions out for review, prepare final manuscript to meet publisher’s guidelines and deadlines.
- Maintain healthy working relationship with press (currently University of Nebraska Press); renegotiate contract as needed.
- Submit annual report to the editorial board and the steering committee in late winter/early spring
- At least one co-editor attends annual SC meeting at conference. Run Editorial Board meeting during the conference. Report to attendees of business meeting during conference weekend.
Please send your application (1-2 page statement of interest and current CV) to the search committee at president@womeningerman.org by March 1, 2021.