GQ: Contemporary Writing by Women

The latest issue of German Quarterly is on contemporary writing by women. It features several WiGgies, and includes the special forum “Feminism in German Studies” with contributions on pop feminism, intersectionality, queer studies, Jews and gender, Islam and more! Check it out here.

Contents include:

A Forcible Return to the Womb: Elfriede Jelinek’s Lust (1989) and the Melodramatic Mode
Claire E. Scott

Conceiving of a Realfictional Body: Material Feminisms and Jenny Erpenbeck’s Geschichte vom alten Kind (1999)
Necia Chronister

The Violent Turn: West German Women as Victims of Neoliberalism
Alexandra M. Hill

Writing Rape, Troping History: Story, Plot, and Ethical Reading in Julia Franck’s Die Mittagsfrau (2007)
Katherine Stone

An Unlikely Heroine—Fat and Unemployed: Doris Dörrie’s Film Die Friseuse (2010)
Roxane Riegler

The Past does not end here: Memory and “Collective Enunciation” in Antje Rávic Strubel’s Sturz der Tage in die Nacht (2011)
Derek Schaefer

Forum: Feminism in German Studies
Monika Shafi Faye Stewart Tiffany Florvil Kerry Wallach Beverly Weber Hester Baer Carrie Smith Maria Stehle

Transnational Perspectives on Black Germany

Transnational Perspectives on Black Germany, May 23-25, 2018. The conference is co-organized by an international team of WiG members that includes BGHRA president Rosemarie Peña, emeritus professor Sara Lennox, doctoral candidate Karina Griffith, and associate professor of German and cinema studies Angelica Fenner. It will feature two cultural evenings, two keynotes by respectively Dr. Fatima. El-Tayeb and Noah Sow, and a variety of scholarly panels on the topic of Black German history and cultural production.

This year’s WiG guest in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Reyhan Sahin on antisemitism in German rap:

Im Deutschrap wurden antisemitische Inhalte erst mit dem Aufstieg von Rappern wie Bushido und Haftbefehl, also seit etwa zehn Jahren, sichtbar. Kool Savaş, seit den 1990ern Pionier des Battle-Rap in Deutschland, rappt zwar trans-, homo- und frauenfeindlich, aber nicht antisemitisch. Man könnte fragen, warum sich darüber – außer Alice Schwarzer – so wenige aufgeregt haben. Fest steht aber: Die Behauptung, dass Antisemitismus eben Bestandteil des Rap sei, stimmt einfach nicht. Dieser Trend ist relativ neu.

Christa Wolf: A Companion

The volume Christa Wolf: A Companion, edited by Sonja Klocke and Jennifer Hosek, includes work by a number of WiGgies!

Interest in Christa Wolf continues to grow. Her classics are being reprinted and new titles are appearing posthumously, becoming bestsellers, and being translated. Energetic scholarly debates engage well-known aesthetic and political issues that the public intellectual herself fore-fronted. This broad-ranging introduction to the author, her work and times builds upon and moves beyond such foundational interpretative frameworks by articulating the global relevance of Wolf’s oeuvre today, also for non-German readers. Thus, it brings East German culture alive to students, teachers, scholars and the general public by connecting the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the lived experiences of its citizens to nations and cultures around the world. The collection focuses on topical matters including the search for authenticity, agency, race, cosmopolitanism, gender, environmentalism, geopolitics, war, and memory debates, as well as movie adaptations and Wolf’s film work with DEFA, marketing, and international reception. Our contributions – by senior and emerging scholars from across the globe – emphasize Wolf’s position as an author of world literature and an important critical voice in the 21st century.


Introduction: Reading Christa Wolf in the Twenty-First Century
Klocke, Sonja E. / Hosek, Jennifer R.

Modernity and the City in Christa Wolf’s Oeuvre of the 1960s
Swope, Curtis

Narrative Topographies in Christa Wolf’s Oeuvre
Criser, Regine

The Gendered Reception of Christa Wolf
Kuhn, Anna K.

Unearthing a Post-Humanist Ecological Socialism in Christa Wolf’s ‘Selbstversuch’, Kassandra and Störfall
Janson, Deborah

Nature, Power and Literature: Rereading Christa Wolf’s Störfall. Nachrichten eines Tages as ‘Ecological Force’ in Times of Climate Crisis
Mering, Sabine von

Literature and Visual Art in Christa Wolf’s Sommerstück (1989) and Was bleibt (1990)
Skare, Roswitha

Learning from the Underground: Christa Wolf and the Fourth Generation of GDR Writers
Horakova, Anna

From Pan-German Cosmopolitanism to Nostalgic National Insularity: A Comparative Study of Christa Wolf’s Kassandra and Medea
Pizer, John

Christa Wolf’s Trouble with Race
Weber, Beverly M.

Towards a Late Style? Christa Wolf on Old Age, Death and Creativity in Stadt der Engel oder The Overcoat of Dr. Freud
Smale, Catherine

The Protocol of Barriers to Thinking? Wolf’s Moskauer Tagebücher. Wer wir sind und wer wir waren (2014)
Dahlke, Birgit

Translating Subjective Authenticity from Christa T. to Stadt der Engel and August: Re-presenting Christa Wolf’s Subaltern Voice
Summers, Caroline

From Political-Realistic Reading to Multiperspectival Understanding: The Reception of Christa Wolf’s Der geteilte Himmel in China
Chen, Yutian / Zhang, Fan

Reading Christa Wolf in Socialist Vietnam
Trinh, Huynh Mai

Christa Wolf: A Select Bibliography
Klocke, Sonja E.