2021: Karolina Hicke for archival research for dissertation research on “Intersections of Migration, Memory, and Gender in Contemporary Jewish Writing in Germany.”
Wendy Timmons for archival research for dissertation research on “The Cutting Edge: Weimar Women’s Art.”
Rachel Wilson for archival research for dissertation research on “Like Mother, Like Daughter? Three Generations of Socialist Women in the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1989.”
2020: Aylin Bademsoy (Univ. of California, Davis) for research on “The Orient and the Jew in Alma Mahler-Werfel’s Letters and Diaries.”
Tiarra Cooper (UMass, Amherst) for research on “Forcibly Sterilized Women in Dialogue: Non-Biological Kin and Community after National Socialism.”
2019: Mari Jarris (Princeton University), research for her proposed project “Androgyy and the Woman Artist in Lu Märten’s Revolutionary Aesthetics.”
2018: Emily Gauld (University of Michigan), Obenewaa Oduro-Opuni (Arizona State University)
2016: Rose-Anne Gush (University of Leeds), dissertation research on VALIE EXPORT, Elfriede Jelinek, artistic labor, and the body.
2015: Christin Bohnke (University of Toronto), “The Perfect Woman? Gender and Imperialism in German-Japanese Film.”
Grethe Burchard (Florida International University), “Representative Bureaucracy in German Schools: Impact of Immigrant Teachers on Student Performance, Career Expectations and Social Climate.”
2014: Sara Kurpiers Blaylock (UC Santa Cruz), for research on the topic “Pulling Her Weight: Art, Activism, and Motherhood in East Germany”.
Karolina May-Chu (University of Wisconsin), to conduct research on the topic “From Literature about the Border to Border Poetics: German-Polish Literary Encounters after 1989”. Advisor: B. Venkat Mani.
Jamele Watkins (University of Massachusetts), to conduct research on the topic “Waiting for Recognition: Contemporary Afro-German Drama”. Advisor: Sara Lennox.
2013: Michelle Vangen (CUNY Graduate Center), to conduct research on the topic “Left and Right: Politics and Images of Motherhood in Weimar Germany.” Advisor: Rose-Carol Washton Long.
2012: Lindsay Lawton (University of Minnesota), to conduct research on the topic “Contemporary Memoirs by Muslim Women.” Advisor: Ruth-Ellen Joeres.
Julie Anderson-Shoults (University of Connecticut), to conduct research on the topic “Socialist Women and Women under Socialism.” Advisor: Anke Finger.
2011: Lena Heilmann (University of Washington), to conduct research on the topic “Re-Modeling the Frauenzimmer: Women and Spatiality in Germany (1770-1820).” Advisor: Richard Block.
2010: Maureen Gallagher (University of Massachusetts), to conduct research on the topic of “Race, Gender, and Nation in German Imperial Youth Literature.” Advisor: Sara Lennox.
Verena Hutter (UC Davis), to conduct research on the topic of “Only for Convicts, Loose Women and Sailors? The Tattoo as Social, Political and Literary Practice in Germany from the Nineteenth Century to the Present.” Advisor: Elizabeth Krimmer.
2009: Anja Shepela (University of Minnesota), to conduct research on Die Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim (1771) by Sophie von La Roche, Buchenheim (1851) by Louise Otto, and the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus, a women-led organization in late nineteenth-century Berlin. Advisor: Ruth-Ellen Joeres.
Kathleen Smith (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), to conduct research on the act of collecting during the period 1600-1800 by early modern German Sammlerinnen, placing their collections in the context of how they viewed and represented their own act of collecting texts and documents. Advisor: Mara Wade.
2008: Mara Taylor (University of Pennsylvania), to conduct research on the topic of “Sex, Sociality, and Suicide: Queer Female Subjectivities in Medial Science and Homosexual Literature in Germany and Austria, 1860-1933.” Advisor: Simon Richter.
2007: Monika Moyrer (University of Minnesota) received funding to do research on the multimedia documentation of Herta Müller, with visits to the Frauenmediaturm in Cologne and other museums in Cologne and Bonn. She will present some of her results, titled “Bettina Flitner: Kleinen’ und ‘grossen’ Frauen ins Auge geblickt,” at this year’s WiG conference poster session. Monika is currently teaching at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Katherine Hubler (Boston College) received funding for travel to Berlin, where she will examine materials at the Helene Lange Archiv and the Lette Verein Archiv to support her dissertation on the role of male allies in the 19th and early 20th century German women’s movement.
2006: Nicola Behrmann (New York University), to support archival research for Nicola’s dissertation project “The Avant-Garde of the Other: Emmy Hennings (1885-1948).” The selection committee was impressed with her plan to sift through previously unexamined materials in several archives in order to develop a coherent account of Emmy Hennings’ biographical data. When completed, the study should offer a new perspective on the Dada movement as well as contributing theoretically to Gender Studies and German Studies. Advisor: Avital Ronnell.
Michelle Duncan (Cornell University), to fund travel to the Freud Archives in Washington, D.C. to consult some recently derestricted interviews that will fill a gap in the research for her dissertation project “Listening for Freud: The Scandals of Voice and the Sounds of Psychoanalysis.” The selection committee admired the scope and complexity of this project, which promises to uncover the relationship between aspects of Freud’s subjectivity and music, specifically opera. Advisor: Michael B. Steinberg.
Nicole Grewling (University of Minnesota), to help support research travel for Nicole’s dissertation project “Fighting the Two-Souled Warrior: German Colonial Fantasies of North America.” The selection committee was convinced of the soundness of her plan to examine representations of colonial and interethnic issues in German Jugendliteratur. The chapter on Sophie von Wörishöffer, to be researched in Munich and Berlin, will provide the basis for a crucial piece of Nicole’s argument for expanding on the insights of Susanne Zantop in Colonial Fantasies. Advisor: Ruth-Ellen Joeres.
Anna Parkinson (Cornell University), to support archival research for Anna’s dissertation project “Affective Passages: The Politics of Emotion in Postwar German Culture.” The selection committee was impressed with the conceptual and theoretical sophistication of this project, which is expected to contribute to a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of post-World War II consciousness in Germany. Particularly intriguing is Anna’s research on Ingeborg Bachmann and on “Mütterfilme” to inform an understanding of gender and sexuality in national identity formation. Advisor: Leslie Adelson.
2005: Catherine McCandless (University of Pennsylvania), to conduct research on issues of gender and classes in the Liebhabertheater at the Goethe National Museum and the Goethe and Schiller Archives in Weimar. Her dissertation title is “Casting New Light on the Amateur Theatre of Weimar, 1774-82.” Advisor: Simon Richter.
2004: Alexandra Dimitrova (University of Illinois Chicago), for travel to the Theodore Dreiser Archives in Pennsylvania to research the author Maria Leitner. Her topic is travel texts by German women journalists in the Weimar period. Advisor: Dagmar Lorenz.
Maria Stehle (University of Massachusetts Amherst), for travel to Berlin Potsdam. Her topic is the Crises of Gender and National identity in Texts and Films of the 1970s in West Germany. Advisor: Sara Lennox, with Susan Cocalis.
2002: Alison Guenther-Pal (University of Minnesota), for travel to archives and libraries in Germany that were formerly inaccessible to researchers. Her project is “’Now you see it, now you don’t’: Homosexual Representation and Queer Spectatorship in the Adenauer Era.” Advisor: Rick McCormick.
Jennifer Ruth Hosek (University of California Berkeley), for travel to Cuba to research relations between the Caribbean island and the Germanies. Dissertation: “Cuba and the Germanies: A Cultural History of an Infatuation.” Chair: Robert Holub.
Andrea Reimann (University of Illinois-Chicago), for her project “From Representation to Performance: The Display of Identity in Germanic Minority Films of the 1980s and 1990s.”