Drs. Barbara Kosta, Katharina von Hammerstein, and Julie Shoults’ Women Writing War: From German Colonialism through World War I will be published by De Gruyter on September 20. The edited volume, which grew out of a panel at WiG 2014, features essays by many WiGgies and explores “female-authored, German-language texts focusing on German colonial wars and World War I and the discourses that promoted or critiqued their premises.” Congratulations to the editors and contributors on this important volume! Check out the table of contents, below. Reminder: If you purchase a copy through Amazon, make sure to make Coalition of Women in German Inc your designated AmazonSmile charity.

Introduction: Women Writing War: From German Colonialism through World War I – Katharina von Hammerstein, Barbara Kosta, and Julie Shoults

Representations of Colonial Conflicts

“Who Owns Hereroland?”: Diverse Women’s Perspectives on Violence in the German-Herero Colonial War – Katharina von Hammerstein

Christian Love and Other Weapons: The Domestic Heroine of the Multiracial Colonial Mission “Family” as an Antiwar Icon in Hedwig Irle’s Mission Memoirs – Cindy Patey Brewer

Girls, Imperialism and War in Women’s Writing from the German-Herero War and WWI – Maureen O. Gallagher

Views from the Colonies on WWI

Woman on the Edge of Time: Frieda Schmidt and the Great War in East Africa – Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst

World War I in Samoa as Reported by Frieda Zieschank in the German Colonial Magazine Kolonie und Heimat – Livia Rigotti

Political Perspectives on Nationalism and WWI

Bertha von Suttner’s Die Waffen nieder! and the Gender of German Pacifism – Shelley E. Rose

Ricarda Huch’s First World War – James M. Skidmore

Hermynia Zur Mühlen: Writing a Socialist-Feminist Pacifism in the Aftermath of WWI – Julie Shoults

Constructing the Labor of War: Girls, Mothers and Nurses

Girls Reading the Great War: German and Anglo-American Literature for Young Women, 1914–1920 – Jennifer Redmann

Käte Kestien’s Als die Männer im Graben lagen: WWI Criticism through the Lens of Motherhood – Cindy Walter-Gensler

Three Nurses’ Life-Writing: Scrapbook, Portrait, and Construction of a Self – Margaret R. Higonnet

Narratives of Loss and Grief in Art and Literature

Writing and Reading Death: German Women’s Novels of World War I – Erika Quinn

War Widows’ Dilemma: Emotion, the Myths of War and the Search for Selbständigkeit – Erika Kuhlman

Intimations of Mortality from Recollections of Atrocity: Käthe Kollwitz and the Art of Mourning – Martina Kolb