Monday, November 26, 8pm-10pm EST (Note Date Change!)
Presenters: Nicole Coleman, Lisabeth Hock, Amy Young
Women in German members know from our work as scholars, teachers, providers of countless hours of service work, and activists, that forms of structural inequality disadvantage target groups while granting advantages and privileges to members of non-target groups. These forms of inequality include, but are not limited to: ableism, ageism, colorism, the elitism of the tenure system, heterosexism, racism, and sexism. They support often-invisible systems of power, privilege, and oppression that work at personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural levels to limit diversity, equity and inclusion in our classrooms and at our institutions.
Through our research and through curricular changes, WiG members have worked to make once invisible power systems visible, especially within the contexts of German culture and our colleges and universities. This WiG Webinar will focus on broader concepts and strategies related both to destabilizing the foundations of personal, interpersonal and institutional oppression and to supporting equity and inclusion for our students and colleagues. The Webinar will have two parts. Our theoretical section will address privilege and unconscious bias, allyship and its discontents, stereotype threat, inclusive classrooms, and diversifying faculty with intentionality. Our praxis section will address strategies for creating an inclusive classroom.
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