Hot off the presses! Check out the latest issue of Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies on Precarity/Heimatlosigkeit (Vol. 54: 4). Co-edited by WiGgies Dr. Gabi Kathöfer and Dr. Beverly Weber, the special issue features work by WiGgies throughout. Find the complete table of contents below.
Seminar, A Journal of Germanic Studies. Vol. 54, No. 4, November 2018
Precarity/Heimatlosigkeit, Special Issue Editors, Gabi Kathöfer and Beverly Weber
Introduction: Precarity/Heimatlosigkeit
Gabi Kathöfer, Beverly Weber
Heimat, Sustainability, Community: A Conversation with Karina Griffith and Peggy Piesche
Gabi Kathöfer, Beverly Weber
Belonging in Black and White: Race, Photography, and the Allure of Heimat in West German Gay Magazines from the 1950s
Bradley Boovy
Refiguring Red Vienna: Alternative Forms of Currency and Community in Michael Riebl’s Planet Ottakring
Susan Ingram
The Berlin Wall in Fernando Pérez’s La pared de las palabras (The Wall of Words): Refiguring Belonging in Precarity
Jennifer Ruth Hosek
Heimat as Communist Utopia or Leerstelle: Yoko Tawada’s Naked Eye
Jette Gindner
The Violence of Precarity and the Appeal of Routine in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, ging, gegangen
Gary L. Baker
Willkommenskultur Documented: Precarious Heimat in Can’t Be Silent (2013), Land in Sicht (2013), and Willkommen auf Deutsch (2015)
Maria Stehle
Isabell Lorey. State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious
Kathrin Bower
Alexander G. Weheliye. Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human
Elisa Joy White
Jin Haritaworn. Queer Lovers and Hateful Others: Regenerating Violent Times and Places
Hester Baer
Fatima El-Tayeb. Undeutsch: Die Konstruktion des Anderen in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft
Vanessa Plumly
Sara Lennox, ed. Remapping Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture
Kira Thurman
Ipek A Celik. In Permanent Crisis: Ethnicity in Contemporary European Media and Cinema
Berna Gueneli