WiG Statement on Charlottesville

In the spirit of all that the Coalition of Women in German stands for, we condemn the actions of white supremacists, including the recent violence that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Tragically, that violence is not limited to the vicious attack on De’Andre Harris and the murder of Heather Heyer. A newspaper headline in the last days read “Racism never died in Virginia,” but in truth, racism is not just isolated to one location, but indeed, remains very much alive throughout the United States. Charlottesville is but one bitter reminder of the ways that white supremacy persists. The threats against Jews, the uttering of Nazi slogans, and the display of Nazi symbols contribute to a climate in which it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly and violently target people of color and Jews.

As North American German Studies scholars, we are compelled to speak out against the threatening behavior and speech of neo-nazis, KKK, and white supremacists in the United States. As a feminist organization, we are committed to scholarship that challenges interlocking systems of oppression and power. We recognize that feminist goals must include the end of racism and white supremacy. We recognize that systems that promote and rely on racism; sexism; homophobia; transphobia; ableism; colonialism; and other forms of exploitation, hatred and exclusion are interlinked, and often support one another. We express our solidarity with all groups who stand against white supremacy and racism.

This is a painful, traumatic time for us, for members, students, and colleagues who are targeted directly, often daily, by racist violence. This has not been the first or the last of such episodes. Cognizant of the inadequacy of words alone in the expression of solidarity and support, we call on our members, as teachers, scholars, and leaders, to name and challenge white supremacy wherever it is manifest, whether in the overt and obvious racisms that took place in Charlottesville or in the everyday.

As allies, we ask you to consider these pledges:

I pledge to do the work. I will put my body on the line during protests if able. I will use my voice to speak against white supremacy, and I will act.

I will remind myself that allyship is a process. I will make mistakes but I will apologize, educate myself and not make them again. I will not let my emotions get in the way of my fight against white supremacy. There is too much at stake.

I will check on people who are impacted by this event more than me, and I will not allow myself to be celebrated for doing something that should be common sense.

Support WiG!

In this age of political upheaval, there are more worthy organizations in need of donations than one can possibly fund. But as you contemplate which organizations you would like to support (perhaps with your tax refund?), let me make a case for supporting WiG.
In our mission statement, the Coalition of Women in German adopts a stance towards German Studies that interrogates the intersection of gender with other categories of identity such as sexuality, class, race, and ethnicity. In other words, at the heart of this organization is the cutting-edge scholarship that questions systems of power and oppression.
We are also passionately committed to supporting other scholars at all ranks. Donations to WiG make possible the following expressions of support:
  • The Zantop Travel Award for Graduate Students
  • The WiG Dissertation Prize
  • The WiG Prize for Best Article
  • The Faculty Research Award
  • The WiG Professional Development Award
(More information on awards can be found here: http://www.womeningerman.org/?q=content/awards )
So as you think about what activism can mean within the academy, as you consider what WiG has meant to you over the years, please donate to Women in German. You can do so by clicking  on the “Donate” button in the right-hand sidebar of this page.
Of course you can e-mail me with any questions.
Thank you for your support!
All best,
Allie Hill
Fundraising Coordinator

Support WiG through Amazon Smile Purchases

Thanks to the brilliance of Wiggies at the 2016 conference and the dedication of our treasurer, Denise Della Rossa, you can now make donations to Women in German when you make purchases at Amazon!

First, go to: http://smile.amazon.com

Log in and follow the directions to choose your charity. You can easily find WiG by searching “Women in German” or “Coalition of Women in German.”

If you have already selected the charity to which you would like your donations to be directed, you can change that choice by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the charity you are currently supporting. (This can be found under the search box.)

Now, off COURSE we support our local bookstores (as long as we are lucky enough to have one). And yet there are inevitably online purchases that have to be made via Amazon (for example, my dog’s flea & tick medication). So why not use Amazon to give a percentage of your purchase back to WiG? Something to consider as we make lists of summer reading to buy!

Thank you, Denise! And thank you, Wiggies, for your support of our amazing coalition!

Your Fundraising Coordinator,

Allie Hill